公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的专业闸门企业。公司多年来坚持“顶尖科技、创新未来的发展路向,凭着”尊重、遵守商业规律、不以自己主观思维作为客观现实反映的经营宗旨不断高歌向前。今天公司已经拥有员工一百多名,其中专业企业管理及专业设计人员三十余人,公司今年来不断引进欧美等国外先进生产设备和科学技术人才,令公司更加高速发展,并实现了产品科技化和人性化的完美结合,为全球的电动门市场提供了源源不断的精品。 “团结、用心、进取拼搏”这八个字是建国科技全体员工总结出来的企业文化灵魂及精髓,因此令公司先后荣获“中国知名品牌”“质量信得过产品”中国工程建设推荐产品等殊荣。“团结、用心进取、拼搏”这八个字令整个公司上下齐心合力、不分彼此,融合成一个精英团队,永远奋斗不息、炽热追求、精益求精。 昨天,建国科技以未来展现了灿烂前途,今天建国科技将以饱满的热情、创新的视野、坚毅的精神、专业的能力向八方伸出真诚之手,同谋为略为合作伙伴及客户创造最大的价值,为社会创造丰富的精神财富。
Wanwuqian Architecture Design Firm is a subsidiary of Hong Kong Dongwu Design, which is a high-end design company specializing in the integrated design of cultural tourism architecture and interior design. We excel in architectural and interior design and are committed to creating a top-tier architecture and interior design company in China.Our design team consists mostly of elites from top domestic universities, such as Tongji University and Tsinghua University. With our pride in original works and a highly dedicated design attitude, our design business focuses on cultural tourism projects, and we strive to create a top-tier elite design team nationwide.In our design work, we pay attention to every detail, from building structures to interior decorations, and pursue perfection. Our goal is to provide clients with the best design solutions, inject new vitality into their cultural tourism projects, and enhance their brand image and customer satisfaction.Our mission is to become China's top architecture and interior design company, helping clients realize their cultural tourism architectural dreams and driving industry development.
Our design philosophy is centered around originality and creative freedom, with a focus on delivering innovative and unique design solutions for our clients.